Conference, Saturday 28th May 2022, 9am.

The Commissariat Store Museum is hosting a conference on Saturday, 28th of May 2022, at 9am, entitled Hidden Toils: the contribution of Chinese Australians to the early development of Queensland. 

This initiative examines the unique contribution that Chinese Australians have made to the early development, influence and shaping of the Queensland society and economy. This will be the principal theme of a one-day conference (28th May 2022) in Brisbane, co-sponsored by the Royal Historical Society of Queensland, CHINA Inc and the Chinese Australian Historical Association.

Many conventional local histories, and indeed, some noted major Queensland historical works, have tended to focus exclusively on European activity and achievements in the development of the colony and state. These works have largely been silent on the contributions and achievements of the Chinese. Where they were mentioned, it usually involved only scant generalised references, absent of specific details on individuals and groups, and viewed though European eyes.

The conference theme of Hidden Toils will be explored through the lens of a number of sectorial sub-themes, including; pastoralism, agriculture; commerce; marine; cultural; and social, with settler families being a cross-cutting sub-theme. This will be complemented with a series of short vignettes focusses on notable Queensland Chinese Australian pioneers in the previously mentioned sub-themes plus politics and the military.

See the full program here.