Lichuan Gongfu Hong Cha (Black Tea) 4g

利川红茶 Lichuan Gongfu Hong Cha (Black Tea) 4g

Brewing guide

The specific operation process is as follows: after the cup is warm, put 3-5 grams of Lichuan Gongfu Hong Cha (usually the ratio of tea to water is 1:50, that is, 50ml of water for one gram of tea) into the cup. The optimal brewing temperature is around 85℃. The tea is quickly released in the first 3 brews, and the brewing time can be appropriately extended after 3 brews, generally about 8 brews can be made.

Drinking efficacy and attributes

Lichuan Gongfu Hong Cha (Black Tea) is produced from rich soil with selenium elements. It works to eliminate fatigue and regulates body temperature. The polyphenols, sugars, amino acids, pectin, and other components in black tea can stimulate the secretion of saliva in the mouth and produce a sense of coolness; At the same time, caffeine controls the hypothalamus body temperature centre and regulates body temperature. Black tea contains aromatic substances, and regular drinking of black tea can help eliminate halitosis. Drinking black tea regularly can also help to prevent osteoporosis.

Storing guide

After opening, seal properly and store in a dry, dark, cool (0-5 c°) ventilated and odorless place.


泡制利川红适合用高温白瓷茶具,显茶韵,不夺茶香。也可以用晶莹剔透的玻璃 茶具,方便欣赏茶汤的透亮和叶底的明艳。具体操作过程是:温杯后取3- 5克(通常茶与水比为1:50)利川红入杯,冲泡水温控制在85℃左右,润茶时快速出汤,前面3泡都可以快速出汤(不到1分钟),3泡以后适当延长冲泡时间,一般可以冲泡8泡左右。







