Dongding Oolong (Oolong Tea) 150g

冻顶乌龙 Dongding Oolong (Oolong Tea) 150g

Brewing guide

A. 1-3. Warm the cup: warm the tea set with boiling water to ensure the tea set is heated evenly.

B. 4-7. Tea washing: Put about 5g of tea leaves into a teapot and add boiling water. Wash the tea quickly, not to bring out the tea flavour, but to evenly heat the tea and wake up the tea fragrance.

C. 8-11. Making tea: After washing the tea, pour the boiling water into the teapot at high heat. Put the lid on the teapot and shower the teapot with boiling water three times. Only at high temperature inside and outside can the strong tea fragrance come out completely.

D. 12-15. Pour the steeped tea into a fair cup, low and quickly. Divide the tea from the teapot into small cups, and the strong tea fragrance will fill the air immediately.

Drinking efficacy and attributes

Oolong tea is warm and balanced, neither cold nor hot, cool, and sweet. It is a neutral tea. The main effects of frequent drinking of Oolong tea are:

  1. Protect teeth: a cup of tea after a meal can stop germs and prevent halitosis. Oolong tea also has the effect of preventing tooth decay. The polyphenols contained in Oolong tea can inhibit the production of tooth scale enzyme, so drinking a cup of Oolong tea after a meal can prevent the occurrence of tooth scale and tooth decay. 
  2. Eliminate reactive oxygen species that harm beauty and health. Reactive oxygen species are produced in the body due to ultraviolet light, smoking, food additives, pressure, and other factors. The polyphenols of oolong tea can promote wellbeing and counteract these harmful factors.
  3. Drinking 1 litre of oolong tea a day can improve skin allergies. Surveys show that most patients with skin diseases suffer from atopic dermatitis, but so far, the cause of this dermatitis is not clear. However, oolong tea has the effect of inhibiting the development of the disease.

Storing guide

After opening, seal properly and store in a dry, dark, cool (0-5 c°) ventilated and odorless place.


A, 1-3. 温杯:用沸水温茶具,使茶具均匀受热。

B, 4-7. 洗茶:取5g左右茶叶放入紫砂壶中,加入沸水,洗茶重在一个“快”字,不求将茶味泡出,只需让茶叶均匀受热,唤醒茶香即可。

 C, 8-11. 泡茶:洗茶后,采用高冲的方式将沸水倒入茶壶中。盖上壶盖,期间,不断的用开水淋浴茶壶,以3次为佳,内外高温才能使浓郁的茶香完全的散发出来。

D, 12-15. 出汤:将泡好的茶汤倒入公道杯中,要低倒,快速。将公道杯中的茶汤分到小口杯里,浓郁的茶香即可即弥漫在空气中。







本产品一旦开封后应密封保存于干燥、避光、阴凉(0-5 c°)及通风无异味处。