The museum’s collection storerooms house over 8,000 items such as textiles, audios, artworks, images, artefacts, and other objects of cultural and social significance that have been donated by the community over the last 35 years.  A controlled environment (e.g. humidity, temperature, and UV levels) is of utmost importance to keep the collection safe from damage. We are seeking donations to help upgrade the environmental control and monitoring device in each storeroom. Donate $250 or over and you will be given an exclusive tour the Collection Rooms which are not open to the public. 

All donations over $2.00 are tax-deductible and a tax-deductible receipt will automatically be issued to you.


澳华博物馆的收藏室里收藏有8,000多种藏品,例如纺织品,音频,艺术品,图像,手工艺品,以及过去35年中由社区捐赠的具有文化和社会意义的各种物品。 藏品的保存依赖于保存受控的环境。我们希望您的捐款可以帮助升级每个储藏室的环境控制和监控系统,以便我们更好的保存这些珍贵的藏品。 如果您的捐款在250澳元或以上,您将获得独家参观不向公众开放的收藏室的机会。谢谢!