The purpose of the Chinese Museum is to build a more harmonious Australian society by deepening the understanding of Chinese-Australian contributions to our collective history, heritage, and culture. We achieve this goal by presenting popular education and public programs, exhibitions, and cultural activities - positive ways of sharing our culture and history. Your generous donation will help us collect, preserve, and share the stories of Chinese Australians, both past and present, protecting their rich legacy for generations to come.

All donations over $2.00 are tax-deductible and a tax-deductible receipt will automatically be issued to you.



我们通过提供普及教育和公共项目、展览和文化活动来实现这一目标,以积极的方式分享我们的文化和历史。您的慷慨捐赠将帮助我们收集、保存和分享华裔澳大利亚人的故事,无论是过去的还是现在的,以保护他们丰富的遗产,传承给子孙后代。 谢谢!