Asian Australians are presently being persecuted with the prevalence of rascism throughout society. This cannot be stopped by enforcing laws or penalties.

The purpose of the Chinese Museum is to build a more harmonious Australian Society by developing a strength of self-identity, understanding, and mutual respect for all in the community. We achieve this goal by presenting popular education and public programs, exhibitions and cultural activities - positive ways of sharing of our culture and history. Please donate now to perpetuate our cause.

All donations over $2.00 are tax-deductible and a tax-deductible receipt will automatically be issued to you.


亚裔澳大利亚人在生活中经常受到种族歧视, 而通过执行法律和罚款也并无效果。

澳华历史博物馆一直希望通过教育来指导大众,让他们更了解自我,也学习如何尊其它民族,并最终建立一个更加和谐的社会。 我们通过提供大众化的教育和公共项目,展览和文化活动来实现这一目标,并分享我们的文化和历史。 如果您想为这个目标出一份力,请帮助我们。谢谢!