Yellow Tea 黄茶 JUN SHAN YIN ZHEN Product region: Junshan in Dongting Lake, Yueyang City, Hunan Province. Dry tea leaves: The buds are strong, straight like needles, uniform in size, and covered with feather-like hair. The strong, straight, bright yellow ones are the top quality, and the thin, curved, dark yellow ones are the inferior ones. Tea Liquor colour: Bright apricot yellow. Aroma: Deep and long aroma, like tender corn scent, and full and long-lasting flavour. Taste: Mellow and sweet. Appearance: Fat, tender, and bright with even yellow and green colour. 君山银针 产地: 湖南省岳阳市洞庭湖中的君山。 干茶: 芽头茁壮,挺直如针,大小均匀,白毫如羽。以壮实、挺直、亮黄者为上品,瘦弱、弯曲、暗黄者为次品。 汤色: 杏黄明亮。 香气: 清香浓郁,似嫩玉米香,入味后齿颊留芳。 滋味: 甘爽醇和。 叶底: 肥厚嫩亮,黄绿匀齐。 MENG DING HUANG YA Product region: Mengshan, Mingshan County, Sichuan Province. Dry tea leaves: The buds are even, flat and straight, yellow in colour, and covered with fine golden hair. Tea Liquor colour: Yellow with tones of blue, clear and bright. Aroma: Rich and sweet. Taste: Fresh, sweet, and mellow. Appearance: The whole bud is yellow in colour and evenly shaped. 蒙顶黄牙 产地: 四川省名山县蒙山。 干茶: 芽条匀整,扁平挺直,色泽黄润金毫显露。 汤色: 黄中透碧,清澈明亮。 香气: 香气甜香浓郁。 滋味: 甘醇鲜爽。 叶底: 全芽嫩黄,匀齐。 HUO SHAN HUANG YA Product region: Huoshan County, Anhui Province. Dry tea leaves: Straight, slightly stretched, shaped like a bird's tongue, pale green in colour, and covered with fine hair. Tea Liquor colour: Yellow green, clear, and with a slight yellow ring. Aroma: Long- lasting fragrance with hints of ripe chestnut. Taste: Strong and fresh mellow with a sweet aftertaste, which usually appears after swallowing the liquid. Appearance: Even mixture of yellow and green. 霍山黄牙 产地: 安徽省霍山县 。 干茶: 外形条直微展,匀齐成朵,形似雀舌,色泽嫩绿,满身披毫。 汤色: 黄绿清澈,略带黄圈。 香气: 清香持久,有熟栗子香。 滋味: 浓厚鲜醇,回味甘甜。正常的霍山黄芽下咽后,舌根会有丝丝的甜味,不是先入为主的甜,而是咽下后由喉底生出的一种感觉。 叶底: 黄绿嫩匀。 Return to the main page to see other types of tea 返回主页查看其它种类的茶叶 Manage Cookie Preferences