What's On EXHIBITIONS Chinese tea history milestones Chinese Tea Milestones 中国茶的里程碑 3rd Millennium BCE - Emperor Shennong accidentally discovers tea. 公元前3世纪-神农皇帝偶然发现了茶。 A painting of Shennong by 18th century artist Xu Jetian. 18世纪画家Xu Jetian所画的炎帝神农氏画像。 8th century - Lu Yü writes The Classic of tea. 8世纪- 陆羽撰写《茶经》。 8th century - The Tea Horse Road was established. 8世纪-茶马古道路建立。 9th Century – Tea was introduced in Japan and is associated with Buddhism and Buddhist temples. 9世纪–茶在日本被引进,并与佛教和佛教寺庙有关。 10th Century – Tea houses becomes the centre of social life in China. 10世纪–茶馆在中国成为了举行社交活动的主要场所。 Late Yuan dynasty (1279 – 1368) – Tea brewing process evolved resulting in the need for a new type of vessel, a teapot. 元朝晚期(1279年 – 1368年)–茶的泡煮工艺不断发展,因此需要一种新型的茶器,茶壶。 16th Century – The Ming dynasty’s preference for loose leaf tea prompted creation of teapots in Yixing, China. 16世纪-明朝对散叶茶的偏爱促进了中国宜兴茶壶的生产。 Tea being served from a teapot 奉茶。 1555 – In Europe, tea is first referenced in the work of Venetian geographer Giovanni Battista Ramusio. 1555年–在欧洲,茶首次被引用于文学著作中。该著作是由威尼斯地理学家Giovanni Battista Ramusio所撰写的。 1610 – The first tea cargo arrives in Amsterdam, shipped by the Dutch East India Company. From Amsterdam, tea’s popularity rapidly spread to England, France, and Germany. 1610年– 荷兰东印度公司把首批茶叶以货物形式运抵阿姆斯特丹。从阿姆斯特丹开始,茶的流行迅速传播到英国,法国和德国。 1657 – The first shop selling tea in England opened. Soon after London's coffee houses also started serving tea. 1657年– 首家销售茶叶的商店在英国开设。伦敦的咖啡馆在不久之后也开始提供茶水服务。 Jars of tea in a Chinese tea shop. 中式茶店里的茶叶罐。 1773, December – Boston Tea Party, an incident which contributed to tensions that lead to the American War of Independence. 1773年12月- 波士顿茶党事件,此次事件加剧了当地的紧张局势,继而引发了美国的独立战争。 19th Century – The British East India Company established tea plantations in Ceylon (today’s India). 19世纪-不列颠东印度公司在锡兰(今天的印度)建立了茶园。 1839-1842 – The First Opium War. 1839-1842年-第一次鸦片战争。 1881 – Quong Tart establishes the first tea rooms in Sydney, Australia. 1881年– 梅光达在澳大利亚悉尼建立了第一批茶室。 Manage Cookie Preferences