The film was selected by ErgengAustralia and the City of Melbourne to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the arrival of the Chinese in Australia. The film was nominated for three out of 525 local and international entries and eventually won two major awards out of the 150 films submitted. 

Ergeng Australia conveyed the melody of the lives of the three main characters - Vivian, Rebecca and Chen Shaoliang - in Melbourne.

Vivian has been pursuing her dream of becoming a dessert chef all her life, and with her love for desserts, she is the only Chinese who has reached the final of the highest pastry competition in Australia - the All Australia Pastry Chef Competition.

Rebecca was born and raised in Melbourne, and her favourite language is Chinese, which she learned through Chinese TV shows.

Chen Shaoliang, the first Chinese player in the history of the Australian Football League (AFL), talked about his journey coming to Australia and his experience with AFL.

Enjoy the film! 








Video source: Ergeng Australia and City of Melbourne.

Watch the Film