This year’s Mid-Autumn Festival celebrations at the Chinese Museum on the 11th of September 2022 was a great success, with over 1600 visitors basking in the celestial celebrations that the eclipse brings. Our programs were at extremely popular, with all sessions filled to capacity!

We wish to thank our visitors for being extremely patient with the long lines forming outside the museum, as well as at each exhibition floor, and for being a part of this Mid-Autumn Festival celebration.

Our supporters’ efforts are also not to be taken lightly; thank you to all our supporters, volunteers and staff for making this open day such an incredible success!

Visitors enjoying the Mid-Autumn decorations and exhibits, Chinese Museum Mid-Autumn Festival Open Day 2022

Our Educator, Fiona, leading the Mooncake making demonstrations

Johnny, our Educator, leading the Mid-Autumn Festival Lantern Making workshop

Guests studiously making their Mid-Autumn Lanterns

A packed house for our Mid Autumn program that featured, mooncake making, colouring, riddles and lantern making.

Our Front of House team member, Jiaxin welcoming visitors on the day