Our News Latest News New! Education Program for Primary and Secondary Schools | We Are Strong Within Education Program for Primary and Secondary Schools. Available now. We are excited to announce a new Education Program that aims to empower young people to learn strategies to minimise the effects of bullying, prejudice and discrimination. We Are Strong Within promotes healthy conflict management, where students learn to take positive action towards creating an environment without bullying (and racism) in school and in later life. Directly supporting the Australian Curriculum in the areas of Health and Physical Education and General Capabilities: Intercultural Understandings, this program is available for students in Primary and Secondary Schools. Students participate in a range of participatory activities that will strengthen their attitudes towards four powerful values of resilience, empathy, respect, and fairness. Using the principles of martial arts, students will recognise and respect different ways of thinking and interacting. Students will be encouraged to reflect upon their own intercultural experiences and take responsibility for their own behaviour. We Are Strong Within provides students with a toolkit to enhance their own self-confidence, mental health and wellbeing as well as the health and wellbeing of others. To learn more: New! We are Strong Within – Primary Schools New! We are Strong Within – Secondary Schools Manage Cookie Preferences