The continued positive conversation and partnership between Australia and China is necessary for the development and growth of both cultures. With the support of our sponsors, City of Melbourne, Victorian Government, and Angel Ren from Myosotis Travel, the Museum of Chinese Australian History was awarded a $12,000 grant and a $12,500 contribution to enhance this cross-cultural understanding and exchanges between the two countries through an exhibition titled: One Million Stories – Chinese Australians 200 years. This 400sqm exhibition was designed to travel across China, with a series of display panels and audio-visual equipment presenting artwork, social media content, and supporter information in Nanjing, Chengdu, and Shanghai.  

Despite facing limitations and challenges with exhibition building, installation, and management due to the travel restrictions, the museum, with the assistance of a team of supporters and partners across Australia and China were successful in undertaking this task. The great synergy and support felt through the relationships formed with people and organisations on location was imperative to the success of One Million Stories – Chinese Australians 200 years at Haitang Art Space Nanjing, Dujiangyen Kuiguangta Tower Park, Chengdu Library, and Study Hub in Shanghai. 

Credits must be given to ACASE, Jiangsu Foreign Affairs Office, Jiangsu Provincial Archives, and Nanjing Xingli Learning Centre for their support and organisation of the exhibition. 

We are positive that through the ongoing dialogue established through the presentation and celebration of Chinese-Australians’ history and contributions, the project has not only paid due diligence to the conversation and cultural exchange between Australia and China, but also allow for future partnerships and pathways.

One Million Stories - Chinese Australians 200 years touring exhibition in Haitang Arts Space

One Million Stories - Chinese Australians 200 years touring exhibition in Haitang Arts Space

One Million Stories - Chinese Australians 200 years touring exhibition in Haitang Arts Space