The Shang brothers, Sidney Wah, a labourer, and Duckbour “Caleb”, a clerk, from Cairns who answered the call and joined the war effort.

Sidney enlisted first, in January 1916, and served with the 12th Battalion on the Western Front. In June of the same year, Caleb enlisted into the 47th Battalion. Caleb was first to return to Australia in December 1918 and came home as the most decorated Chinese Australian veteran. He was among the most distinguished soldiers in the Australian Imperial Force.

Sidney, on the other hand, continued his service until September 1919.

Sidney Shang and the 12th Battalion in Versailles before returning to Australia, taken 26 March 1919. Courtesy of Shang family. 

Sidney Shang (left) and Caleb Shang (right) in uniform. Courtesy of Shang family.